A journey into the wisdom of our body

An immersion into the treasures of our body with Florencia Lamarca from May 17th to 24th, 2025 in SoulValley , Sardinia Italy.

We are excited to welcome you at Soul Valley for our Fluentbody and Yin Yoga Retreat - a week fully dedicated to the magic of your body, your feelings and the power of community.

Fluentbody™ is a practice of discovery, curiosity, and awareness. It's an exploration of how to show up with generosity in and for your body, mind, and each other through tools you can easily apply in your everyday life. It is an eye-opening, surprising journey into the many colors of your essence, a practice that offers direct access to more resilience, choice, wholeness, and an entry to the art of connecting – move by move, breath by breath.

In this retreat we combine the wisdom of Fluentbody with the restorative effect of Yin Yoga. The yoga sessions in the late afternoon invite you to integrate the experiences of the day and allow your body to deeply rest and calm down.

The program offers you attunement to your natural ability to enjoy and regulate the wild orchestra of everyday information and turns life into a melody that you can float with. It is an opportunity to change patterns and strengthen your overall health through awareness. Because only by developing our attention can we recognize our automatic responses and stop whatever makes us suffer. By doing so we learn to expand our human experience and express our true potential. Here, we remember the treasures that exist inside of our body beyond thoughts, concepts, or ideas of who we should be


What is Fluentbody™?

Fluentbody™ is a practice of discovery, curiosity, and awareness. It's an exploration of how to show up with generosity in and for your body, mind, and each other through tools you can easily apply in your everyday life. It is an eye-opening, surprising journey into the many colors of your essence, a practice that offers direct access to more resilience, choice, wholeness, and an entry to the art of connecting – move by move, breath by breath. 


Program – What will we do together? 

Fluentbody™ Group Sessions: During seven days, our group will gather in the morning and afternoon to dive into Fluentbody™. This is an exceptional opportunity to practice with Florencia Lamarca following a creative, attuned and comprehensive method using tools such as: Movement, Breath, Voice, Touch, Sharing.

The exact timetable and schedule will be tailored to the needs of the group as we go. You can count on two practices a day and lots of time in between to relax in the pool or spa, adventure, connect, and digest.


To enhance our collective experience we have chosen a little paradise corner on Earth: Soul Valley, an outstanding healing center located on the idyllic Sardinen/ Italy. The atmosphere of the space will feed our energies with grounding nature and amazing vegan & vegetarian food.

For more info about price and REGISTRATION follow this link ; SOULVALLEY


Check in with yourself if this program is for you

This is not for you, if …

• being vulnerable in groups is a challenge you don’t want to face.

• touch is an absolute no-go for you (as we work with somatic techniques such as heart/belly holding).

• you are mainly interested in the location and travel holidays. 

• you are primarily seeking 1:1 support for mental/emotional/physical health challenges. 

This is for you, if …

• you are curious about how to perceive and express your feelings.

• you are interested in the universe of somatics and embodiment.

• you are looking for a wholesome approach to self and co-regulation.

• you are willing to open up to the wisdom of your body.

• you are curious about navigating through your feelings and stories.

• you love to have fun while diving deep.

• you are ready for a change in your life. 


Fluentbody™ Somatic Exploration 7-Days Retreat

We can’t wait to create a trustful and supportive group atmosphere and take this journey all together.